понедельник, 5 января 2015 г.


Written for 2015 Masdar Engage Blogging Contest

Togliatti. Noospherical capital of Volga Basin. Not merely a term, not merely a location. 

The city was carefully planted and grown as an ideal location of socialist future. Even many years of unstable economy and troubled management didn’t change the basics: that place is made for creative and sustainable living.
            Thinking of future, I will try to envision optimistic scenario and unveil creative potential of Togliatti. Not necessarily it may evolve that way, but still, my dream has a foundation.
In 2030, my ideal Togliatti will generally keep its urban structure, spreading along the river with the solid urban forest in the middle.

FOOD PRODUCTION will use the potential of forest, the river and the lakes. Several initiatives for recovering the population of Volga fish are being made; forest is harvested by individuals naturally. We envision vertical urban farms and park gardening, as well as green roofs and indoor food production. We will also incorporate nearby rural settlements and build a sustainable urban agriculture, since there is already a belt of “dachas”, the task is to organize them in more sustainable ways. We will also follow conscious birth control to keep population within ecological capacity of the place.

WATER is and will always be everything for us. We will spare the use of underground waters, providing better education for people and spreading innovations at home – sustainable laundry and dishwashing, new waterless toilets. Water is for drinking.
We will also install new capacities of biological treatment facilities, possibly using urban forest more extensively as a filter for our wastewater. This may involve creating new ecosystem using nanotechnology and bio 3D printing.

We will transform urban gardening, implementing innovative irrigation to minimize wastewater.

We will recover the forest and try to get back to the unique urban green belt that was built in Soviet time.
TRANSPORTATION will also shift back from system dominated by individual motorized vehicles to public transportations, including ecobuses and light rail. Bicycles (both mechanic and motorized-electric) and skis will continue to spread both as a convenient transport and means of pleasing oneself with water and forest landscape.

We will build an ecopath along the water that will bond much of the city together and become a public place.

WASTE management is going to change a lot. Since the city has lots of highly-qualified chemists and ecologists, we will strive to find new ways of reusing plastic and food waste. We will introduce separation of waste by users and try to get rid of excessive packaging. We will use nanorobots to decompose waste on the elementary level, and start building from new generation of recycled materials. Food waste will be turned into soil, using biotechnology and a network of urban waste collectors. Much effort will be made in upbringing of new generation in the right way: conscious way of life reduces waste.

ENERGY will come from sun and the water. Hydroelectric powerstation will still be there, but we will try to minimize consumption with passive housing and smart transportation, LED urban lighting and smart computerized networks, controlling energy flow. Waste can produce energy, too.
As one can see, all of these themes – energy, water, transportation, food and waste are interconnected in all possible ways. Probably, the single thing that we need now is a critical mass of people able to think of urban future in the same holistic way. This is my biggest hope and biggest effort – to help to raise these people and become such person myself. And this little elaborative study kept me on the right track.

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